Where I Live: Deconstructed
October 23, 2020
Bexley Heights Gallery, Columbus, OH
Also presented by Penthouse Art Studios
Where I Live: Deconstructed featured ten of the sixteen panels that make up the entirety of Where I Live. The panels stood independently and removed from their context within the larger painting.* Displaying the sections individually allowed them to exist as singular compositions in their own right.
When I produced Where I Live, I chose to paint across multiple sections of canvas and to keep those sections of canvas un-stretched. These choices served the versatility and the concept of the piece. I explain further in an excerpt from the written thesis of Where I Live:
βIn making this project, creating each section of the painting separately allows me to travel with this work. Each panel is capable of being rolled up and stored easily. As [my apartment] is a temporary space in which I will only have lived in for a year, the ability to pack up and move this painting reflects the temporary nature of all of my living spaces over the past nine years.β
*Where I Live is a 550 square foot painting that is comprised of sixteen separate panels, displayed side by side to form one composition. View images of Where I Live in its first iteration on the Projects Page.